Information for anyone who has a Beretta 1301 that is fussy about what kind of ammo it will cycle.
In this section we offer technical solutions for: Gun servicing, repair and modification / Equipment tests / New product developments
Please contact us if there is something you would like to see covered in a future article
Your chances of getting to the end of a long match can be greatly improved by carrying some basic items in your rangebag. Exactly how far this list...
Commercially available slugs are expensive and often orientated towards hunting applications, you can make high quality slugs at a fraction of the...
This covers replacing the hammer in a Beretta 1301 after renewing the hammer struts.
Competitors have a right under the current IPSC rules to ask for calibration if a metal target does not fall. This may change in future rule versions...
Mag Tube Extensions
All tube fed guns in practical competition have an extension tube and there is a lot of choice in the market so we decided to do a group test to see...
How to strip the trigger from a Beretta 1301.
Chronographing shotgun ammunition requires a slightly different approach from the method used for pistol and rifle ammunition.
IWA 2019 Breda B21i with NAC custom work
Breda’s Michele Marocchi shows us around the Breda B12i and then hands over to Andrea Magrassi from Nouva Armeria Del Centro who explains the...
Help is at hand for anyone experiencing double feeds or carrier lock-ups on a Beretta 1301.